Potential funders

FunderFocusOrganisation requirementsFunding levelsTarget areasLinkNotesComplexityRating
The Noel Buxton TrustLimited funds on economic development
The Bottle Top FoundationPoverty alleviation schemes and grass roots education initiatives that empower young peoplegrantees have budgets in the £5,000 – £50,000 rangeBudget: £3,000 and £15,000 Ethiopiahttps://bottletop.org/pages/foundation
British & Foreign School SocietyAccess, quality, sustainability.
Restablishing education after conflict, enhancing opportunities for girls.UK registered. 3years accounts. 25K. Direct funding to organisations delivering, not fundraisers.£5K - 60KSimilar project in Uganda 2017
Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World)Globally active development and relief agency of the Protestant Churches in GermanyWe are usually not active in the partner countries ourselves, but work in cooperation with local partner organisations.
Share ecumenical ethos.
avoids 100 percent funding
not intended to replace government responsibilities
clearly-defined target group
time- and scope-limited measures
Global South
UK Aid Matchfund projects that will help to achieve the Global Goals for Sustainable DevelopmentMatches funds raised in the UKEthiopia on target list, but none funded
Didymus5 goals one of which is advancing educationUK registered charity for 3 yearsApplying for £5,000 or lessUnited Kingdom, Africa, Central and South America.
Radio 4 appeals2 years accounts£5-20K
Comic Relief
Marr MunningThe Trust funds education and livelihoods projects.£25K - £1m annual income£1-55KSub-Saharan Africa, Indian Subcontinent and South East Asia.Don’t accept unsolicited applications but you can submit an organisational profile. This will be used to identify potential future grantees.
Addax & OryxTacklingroot causes of poverty through health and education, community development, environmentSmall organisations with little access to large funders. Won’t fund fundraisers or building. Must address two core areas.Africa and Middle East 
Ethiopia last funded 2010WADA could apply to them directly. It would need to have a wider community development or health centre purpose.