Minutes of WDEF General Meeting 5th March 2022


Aster Belay, Siobhan Crawley, Feyisa Demie, Brian Foster, Bekana Edossa, Muluneh Oli,


Girma Gebresenbet, Teferi Degeneh



Situation in Oromia


  • The original land offered is not suitable for the construction of a school but the family have agreed to exchange it for another plot, owned by a family member which is about ½ mile away and is more suitable for use as a school site. This will avoid potential conflicts with local farmers if we attempted to extend the initial site.
  • The new site is flatter and has a greater land area so not will avoid the need for a multi-storey school building. More children live close to it .


  • Members support this development. We need to inform Girma in view of all the work he has put in so far.



  • Feyisa contacted CAF Bank and was informed that the application has been received but there is a queuing system in place. We will be notified when it is being assessed.
  • We have initiated an application for a Virgin Money account; Feyisa has submitted the Constitution, details of trustees and signatories.
  • HSBC application has not been progressed because they have a poor track record in offering services to charities funding projects in Africa.
  • Muluneh suggested that we should avoid having too many applications on the go at one time. We should consider paying for legal advice. Feyisa had sought legal advice from Citizen’s Advice but banks do not provide reasons that can be challenged.
  • Feyisa had no success in establishing a link with City Bank.


  • Trustees will continue to do all they can to secure a bank account.
  • Brian to add policies to website.

Steve Sinnott Foundation


  • Siobhan has spoken to Anne Beaty, CEO of Steve Sinnott educational charity. They have three accounts one of which is dormant. Anne suggested that we put together a proposal which she will take to their trustees meeting.
  • Ideally we want to keep WDEF as an independent organisation but we would like to cooperate as closely as possible with SSF. They build schools in Ethiopia and are involved in teacher training. If we are still having problems opening a bank account it might be appropriate for SSF to lead on developing the school at Guder and we will provide the land and fundraise for it in return for it being named in memory of Workneh.


  • Trustees will draft proposal.

Next General Meeting

April 2nd 2022 16:00 GMT on Zoom

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