Minutes 29th May 2021


Aster Belay, Siobhan Crawley, Brian Foster, Teferi Degeneh , Bekana Edossa,


Gosaye Fida, Michael Hawkins, Feyisa Demie, Fekadu, Girma Gebresenbet, Muluneh Oli

Minutes of 1st May 2021


Matters arising

PESTLE to be recirculated with proposals to mitigate areas of concern.

Siobhan has suggested ways to mitigate high risk and saved in dropbox. Brian will circulate to be discussed at the next Trustees meeting.

Feedback on the memorial event

Very moving and intense. Private conversations positive. Added value of video from Oromia. If we can improve the quality we should.

Timing was good and people carried on talking.

Ask Michael to improve the translation of the video from Oromia.

Letter of thanks to Tina and to the Oromia NGO.

Who is in charge of what?

Bekana offered to act as lead of audit committee of WDEF which is his profession. He would performance audit to report on the extent to which we have achieved our objectives. Financial audits will need independent auditors but he will liaise with them. He would also liaise with any NGO with whom we work.

Teferi has agreed to support Feyisa on financial issues and Brian on translation and website issues.

Siobhan is Aster’s support!

Trustees gratefully accept his offer.

WDEF shop

Aster shared images of bags and tee-shirts with slogans and logos which could be used to raise funds and generate support. Tee shirts can be personalised.

Aster has sent out details via Viber and WhatsApp and Brian will do a web-post to go in the newsletter


Aster has made complaint to NatWest and she has had a positive response from senior manager. They still require information about the NGO we identified. We have made it clear we are a separate organisation. Aster has circulated a response. NatWest say they will respond by 4th June.